修改 Debian 或 Ubuntu 預設 editor

前幾天突然想到一個問題….由於 Ubuntu 預設 editor 是 nano,這對於一個 vim user 來說實在是不太舒服啊XD 所以稍微找了一下,找到一個很簡便的作法,可以用來修改預設 editor,方式如下:

$ sudo update-alternatives --config editor    
[sudo] password for crboy: 
There are 4 choices for the alternative editor (providing /usr/bin/editor).

  Selection    Path                Priority   Status
* 0            /bin/nano            40        auto mode
  1            /bin/ed             -100       manual mode
  2            /bin/nano            40        manual mode
  3            /usr/bin/vim.basic   30        manual mode
  4            /usr/bin/vim.tiny    10        manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 3
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/vim.basic to provide /usr/bin/editor (editor) in manual mode.

其實重點就是那個 sudo update-alternatives --config editor 而已啦XD 後面照著指示操作就好了… :)

Last modified on 2012-09-24